02 November 2008

ghost stories pt 1

amys ride called in the troups for an all out assault on the road users group. share the road. splendid turn out over 1500. smokkelaars en force. doc, the kidd, curly, rowdy, van dutch, sydney on a special day for his steeler send off, skipp sporting a promise not to get any more flats with new vuelta rims and in fact handed the flat-batton to the kidd; and junior rolled out a very attractive trek ultegra—finally he looks at home and comfortable. special cameo from DJ and we had support from mike, christo and madeline who showed how tame we really are. start together. the junction negotiated in one take. cops on point. the grades of the southern expressway tackled. muchos bike bling and heaving lycra. the ridge breached try to get some handle of actually riding togther. skipper barking. following. leading. all over the stage. listless guidence. expressway completed the kidd calls in tech crew still fighting deflation. question how many smokkelaars does it take to change a tyre? answer: far too many. junior slides the group with ease and at moana drinks the impression was laid that we can bunch ride. but we cant! wind at the rear quarter-well we tried! sometimes we had glimpses. there, but gone just as quick as we saw it. willunga steepled and the long haul claimed pace and a few moments on the new trek but we pulled it back and paced out to the next stop. willunga monster bus turn right. 60 auto bus turn left. Now the stories diverge but we claim to have heard a kid[d] was KOM. we will leave that to the BBQ pace date TBC. watch this space. BUT if you want to bunch ride just watch curly, skip, syd and junior roll the pack. pure poetry in motion. the last 6-8 ks sweep in clean formation rotation. and sydney showed us how! nice work team. we asked a nice girl with nice sun skirt on apparently to take our snap. then we just got going. amid stories someone actually saw a ghost! see part 2.

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